Have I completely and utterly fucked up? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve asked myself this question. It’s usually late at night, the witching hour, as I lie in bed staring at shadows on my ceiling.
I haven’t been sleeping well lately. I don’t know why – I traditionally think of myself as a pretty good sleeper – but now that I think of it, maybe I haven’t slept well in years. Maybe part of this is being a single parent to a newborn/baby/toddler, the only one to get up every night when needed (which, until he was about one, was every hour on the hour). Maybe part of this might be perimenopause, something I’ve been researching a bit more as I turned 40 (oh right. I turned 40. I’m sure I’ll write about that one day).
But a big part? A really, really big part of the reason I can’t sleep? It’s because I feel like I’ve thrown all of this away. I feel like I’ve fucked up one of the things I’ve loved the most in my life, one of the only constants in my life over the past two decades.
Yep, I’m talking about this blog.
But as usual – or maybe it’s because I’m on my third coffee of the day – I’ve already gotten way ahead of myself. So let’s take it back, shall we?

I started blogging in 2003 on a platform called Livejournal. There, I blogged about, well, everything. The internet still felt shiny and new, and I loved having this outlet for my writing. Because I’m much faster at typing than I am at writing by hand, I used to write online almost every day: about university classes, about concerts I attended, about crushes, about records and books I liked, about my everyday life in Halifax (where I lived to attend Dalhousie University).
My posts very rarely had photos, and when they did, they were often Polaroid photos or film photos I had developed and then scanned into my computer one by one (I didn’t buy my first digital camera until 2006). I had been keeping journals my entire life growing up in Winnipeg, so blogging just felt like an extension of that; I never really thought about the fact that – other than a handful of friends – other people (strangers, even!) would be reading my words.
Somehow – I still don’t know how it worked – I ended up with a small but incredible following, people who regularly read my posts and then commented. Keep in mind this was before social media, and so I think this all felt very novel; you could add the blogs you liked onto one feed and then scroll through and read everyone’s posts, all of their musings about life. These were the days of Myspace, Xanga, and Tumblr, but I was never on any site other than Livejournal. I followed tons of women from around the world, especially women who loved vintage fashion and feminism. If someone quoted the Riot Grrrl Manifesto on their profile, I probably liked them.
I posted with a lot of regularity on my Livejournal, often five or six days a week for over three years (although a lot of those posts have since been made private, and I don’t remember why I did that). After a summer spent travelling in Europe in 2006, I moved to Toronto, and my blogging decreased a lot; I didn’t connect with Toronto, and I was missing the creative scene in Halifax. After moving to Edinburgh and then Japan, my blogging decreased to once a week, and then once a month, and then… nothing.
It was the decision to switch to WordPress in 2008 that inspired me to start writing online again, even though I didn’t technically post on this blog until 2010. I’ve written about this many times before, but I can so clearly remember the moment I came up with the name This Battered Suitcase; I was lying on my bed in my first apartment in Osaka, and the name just popped into my head. I loved it immediately and registered my site that day. I only realized later that it’s connected to a Jack Kerouac passage from On the Road, and I’ll never know if that was my subconscious at play or just a very good coincidence (even though, ironically, I don’t really like the book).
Once I posted, I was off to the races. If you look at my archives in 2010, I was writing 20+ posts a month. In 2011, the year I spent in Southeast Asia, and in 2012, the year I spent in Central and South America, I was averaging about 15 posts a month. By 2013, I had started writing longer posts, but for the next four years, I’d still average about five posts a month.
Of course, all of this coincided with the rise of social media. I started posting regularly on Facebook and Instagram, often daily on Instagram and sometimes two or three times a day on Facebook. I loved it; there weren’t all these weird algorithms hiding your stuff back then, there weren’t nearly as many trolls, and the platforms felt like fun branches of the blog. I grew to really love photography and had so much fun seeking out new locations for photos, especially when I moved to London in 2013.
It was in London that I first started to get career opportunities because of this blog. It led me to Expedia UK, where I worked on the blogging team for seven years. It led me to many press trips to places like Japan, Cyprus, Italy, Antigua and Barbuda, Spain, and more. It led to numerous media parties, day trips, and partnerships in London. It led to countless friendships with other travel bloggers and travel enthusiasts. It led to this being my full-time job, which is just… wild, considering I didn’t realize people were making money off of their blogs until about 2012.
Again, I’ll never quite know how people found my stuff, either on social media or the blog, but the community grew. To this day, it blows me away that there have been so many kind, supportive people from around the world who have taken the time to read something I’ve written and then comment on it. I wrote these words back in 2017, in a post called How I Got Started: My Journey Through 11 Years of Travelling and Writing About It:
“What I will say is this: every single opportunity I’ve ever received through my blog has been because of you, the people reading these words right now. I don’t take that for granted. Sure, I’ve worked really damn hard on this for the past fourteen years – countless hours every week for over a decade – and there’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes, but I believe that blogging is built on a give and… give relationship. I try to provide the best content I can, and in return you give me your time, your time to read and share and like and comment. I am so grateful for that relationship, so grateful that I can do this for a living and that you are there with your support.”
And oh god, do I miss those days of blogging. In the early days, I used to go to markets and buy dozens of little trinkets to send to readers for Christmas, people I had never met. I still have stacks and stacks of all the postcards and letters I’ve received over the years, penpals I made through comments. I used to do “postcard giveaways” where anyone who commented received a postcard from wherever I was in the world. I remember going to a post office in Laos with about forty postcards and I was so filled with joy at seeing all of the international stamps. Many of those blossomed into becoming penpals, back when I’d send my home address to just about anyone. I also loved hosting reader meetups, where anywhere from 10 to 30 people would show up to chat about travelling.
I posted about men I would never see again. I posted stories that I took weeks to write. I posted so many photo essays, things like “here’s a bunch of photos of the colour red“. I posted things that meant so much to me. I posted little updates from wherever I was. I wrote these long, diary-like entries where I wasn’t scared of being perceived as too weird or too wordy (my biggest insecurity is that I feel like I talk too much/share too much when I’m around other people). I posted fun-to-write things like “Everything That Goes Through My Brain Before Publishing a Blog Post” and “I Watched All My Favourite Movies From When I was 13 and Here’s What I Discovered.” I occasionally wrote posts about what to wear in Nepal, or how to get a visa to Bhutan, or things to do in Amalfi, blog posts that are actually helpful… but the overwhelming majority of things I have written online can be summarized as shit I just really wanted to write.
I fucking loved it, all of it.
And the craziest thing about all of it to me was… other people liked it, too. When I posted something online, I knew I’d receive anywhere from 20 to 100 comments on a piece. I took pride in responding to every comment on the blog and on social media, as I absolutely loved interacting with people and felt such gratitude that people had taken the time to write something.
I can never quite track what happened next. I suppose I can connect it to moving back to Canada, where I felt quite lost for a while; I didn’t really have any friends here, and I had left a very vibrant travel blogging community behind in London. I wrote a post called Taking a Break From the Thing You Love in 2017, and I lamented that I had gone 56 days without blogging and dearly missed it.
And despite missing blogging, from then on I posted an average of two to three times a month. While a lot of the articles I did post were pretty extensive – some of them took me weeks to research, write, and edit – I feel like I lost my mojo, for lack of a better term. I was also freelancing a lot more, which took up writing time; it has always been hard to turn down writing opportunities even though I was making a nice income from This Battered Suitcase.
And then, of course, 2020 hit.
I’ve mentioned it here before, but I really did lose everything. All of my freelancing contracts. All of my partnerships. All of my ad and affiliate revenue. It was just… gone, overnight. It sent me into a horrible spiral and every time I tried to write, I couldn’t. I averaged about one blog post a month in 2020 and early 2021. I did, however, start to think about a new blog, one where I could focus on my love for my home province of Manitoba.
And then, of course, I got pregnant.
And then dumped while pregnant.
And then I decided to go ahead with a huge home renovation and create that new Manitoba website, even though I was now pregnant and single.
I don’t think of myself as a masochist, but when the shoe fits…
So yeah. By early 2022, I was six months pregnant and sleeping on a mattress on the floor of my office as I panicked about being a single mom with no income. I remember desperately wanting to blog, but not knowing what to blog about; everything just felt so raw and emotional. Instead of posting here, I threw myself into working on Road Trip Manitoba, writing dozens of researched posts before my son was born; the site launched in February 2022, and I am very proud of it.
And then I had my baby boy. My beautiful baby boy. My angel, my love, the light of my life.
And within ten days of giving birth, I was back to work, writing on my laptop while he slept on my chest. I worked on Road Trip Manitoba and took whatever freelance work I could, churning out thousands of words a month. I’d often write at 3 or 4 a.m., in between breastfeeding. Being a single mom with majority custody took up so much of my time, and any spare time I had went to trying to make any money I could for my little family. I didn’t blog on here for an entire year, simply because I was physically and emotionally exhausted.
But this year, as my son turned two, a lot changed. I now have shared custody, which means my son spends three out of eight days with his dad. I started taking on a few more freelance opportunities, though still not enough for me to feel total financial security. I started having some downtime for the first time since the summer of 2021; I’ve been reading again, and cooking pasta, and taking Dottie on long walks, and working out, and thinking about taking up new hobbies.
Basically, I’ve spent the last few years as a single mom of a baby feeling like I was always treading choppy water, my head barely staying above the surface. But right now? The water feels calm, and it’s more like I’m going for a relaxing swim. It’s nice.
After 2,000 words of rambling, I suppose I should get back to the point of this article. Remember what I said about not sleeping? Yeah. I can’t sleep for a lot of reasons (toddler, perimenopause, the current political state of my country and my neighbouring country, and so on).
But there’s also this endless, nagging feeling that I have completely fucked everything up when it comes to this blog.
As I said, I loved it. This blog was my everything: my passion, my hobby, my career. I loved the connections and friendships I made through it. I loved the community. I loved feeling like my writing was getting better and better, and that I was really enjoying the topics I was writing about (especially when it came to articles about dating and mental health).
And despite missing all of it, the truth is that I’m just so confused. I don’t know what to write about anymore. I don’t know what to post on social media. I lost thousands of followers on both Instagram and Facebook when I announced my pregnancy, and I get it: people who signed up for travel articles or funny dating stories didn’t necessarily want to read about my baby and motherhood.
But here’s the thing: I don’t want to be a mommy blogger. I’m no longer a travel blogger, because I barely travel. I am very (very) happily single, so I don’t have the funny and/or romantic dating stories to tell (although I definitely have quite a few stories left in the bank).
The irony of it all is that I’m feeling happier and more fulfilled in my personal life than I have in years – maybe ever? – and yet, I struggle with what to write. I feel so angry at myself for not blogging more, and for potentially throwing away two decades of work as well as the best fucking community of people I could have asked for. But I really just don’t know what to write anymore, and I feel awful about it.
I often think about writing about single parenthood, especially single pregnancy, because I found so little about that topic online when I was searching in 2021/22. I think about writing like I used to all those years ago, long diary-like entries that don’t even really have a point to them (I used to start all my blog posts on Livejournal with “Dear Diary”). I think about telling all the travel stories I never got around to posting. But with so many new algorithms and changes online, I don’t even know if anyone would see the articles (don’t get me started on how badly my traffic and reach have tanked in the last year with all these new Google and social media updates).
I’m also not sure that people even read blogs anymore. We certainly don’t read long narrative pieces the way we used to; I’m just as guilty as anyone when it comes to doom-scrolling on social media, my attention span growing shorter and shorter. And don’t get me started on what AI is doing to blogs. I considered starting a Patreon or Substack, but after doing my research on both, I don’t think that’s the route I want to take (although I’m sure I could be swayed).
But then I’m reminded of how I started. I wrote online because I loved writing. I didn’t write online because I expected other people to read it; it was just a fun way to write articles and include photos and links to things I loved. I didn’t care about making money or how many followers I had.
So maybe that’s where I start again: at the beginning. Sitting on this couch in Winnipeg, my dog sleeping at my feet, my son’s toys neatly stacked in the corner, I feel emotional as I reflect on this blogging journey of 21 years. I think of sitting on my couch in Halifax, my favourite records hanging on the wall behind me, writing away about my day at university. I think of that 19-year-old kid who has no idea that blogging would change her life, lead her to amazing friendships and opportunities around the world.
And yes, I do think I fucked up. I think I let a really beautiful, wonderful thing slip away from me as I as turned my attention to other priorities. But I also believe in not giving up on the things you love.
Does this mean I’m going to miraculously start posting on a regular basis again? Oh man, I hope so. But I don’t know. It felt so good to sit here today and write these words, and I hope I can continue to draw on this feeling and come up with more ideas of things to write, even if I know they might not be read by anyone else but me.
I don’t know if any of us can ever go back to the blogging heyday of the 2000s and 2010s, back before social media took over, back before our attention spans were reduced to mere seconds, back before the Internet became as scary as it is. But I miss those days. And maybe, just maybe, I can try to write like those days again.
So… hello. Let’s try this again.
Welcome back (even if it’s sporadic). I always love reading your writing and this was yet another good one (I didn’t even let my mind wander, which says something these days!)
Aw, thank you so much, Nicole. I really appreciate your support 🙂
I still read blogs! Whatever you want to write about, I’ll read it 🙂
I still read them, too! Thank you so much, Andria 🙂
Hello! I’ve missed your posts here! I definitely go through seasons with my own blogging. Sometimes life gets in the way… but I also haven’t made it to a point where I’m relying on it financially so I don’t feel so bad stepping away for a time. I hope you’ll be back here, and I’ll definitely be looking forward to your long form ramblings when you do post!
Aw, thank you so much, Elizabeth. Yes, long-form ramblings are my favourite, ha ha! I do rely on it financially but I’d love to get to that point where I can both earn some money AND really love what I’m writing, which was always the goal. Thank you so much for your comment 🙂
I visit your blog often just to see if you have posted anything new. And it’s the longer essays I like. And it doesn’t matter if you post about travel or the baby or dating cause it’s more your words, personality, and perspective that are valued. So if you have time and do write, I am sure you’ll have readers.
Aw, thank you so much, Sertia. That is a really beautiful comment 🙂 I am so lucky to have readers like you, your support makes me definitely want to keep writing!
Brenna, you didn’t fuck up anything. Your life just simply changed. You grew, you evolved and your priorities changed. You didn’t fail anything. In fact, it’s completely the opposite, you made something really successful and that you worked hard on for a long time, but just because it doesn’t last forever doesn’t mean that you fucked it up. I should be taking my own advice lol. I’m also almost 40 and have a two year old and completely lost my mojo. I used to aspire to grow my baking blog but I just couldn’t get there ans then I felt totally uninspired for a long time. But I’m realizing now that I can only do so much and maybe my life from before is just all the experiences I needed to have to reach the point where I am today. You don’t know anyone anything. You can write once a year for fun if that’s what it takes! It’s ok!
Aw, thank you so much for this, Lisa. I can’t tell you how much these words mean to me! I’ve been really down about not blogging much and you’re totally right, there are different phases in life and sometimes, we can only do so much. I am so grateful for all of your support through all these changes 🙂 And how much fun is age two??
Hi Brenna,
just wanted to encourage you to continue this blog. I have been following you since back in 2012 or so. Although I ‘m married, much of the rest of your life story has parallels to mine (also almost 40, my son was born a only month earlier than yours, same sleep troubles the first year, COVID hit us really hard, used to travel all the time and much less now)…please continue posting here! Even if it is just random thoughts or small trips or child stuff (which I personally love) or travelling with a toddler or mom stuff. Really does not matter. Many of your readers are probably in a similar situation, age-wise and with a toddler or baby. Btw I am not a fan of patreon. Just another Email in my Inbox,another app etc… Sorry for my rambling and my poor English. Because of not travelling to far -flung places it has become a bit rusty. Have a great weekend and hope to read more soon! Best regards from Germany!
Thank you so much for comment, Astrid 🙂 I am so thankful for all of your support! You’re totally right, a lot of people who have read this blog for a while are in similar situations in life, and I could definitely write about those topics. And that’s so cool that our sons are so close in age! Isn’t it the best??
I agree with you when it comes to Patreon, which is why I hesitate to join yet another platform. I feel like I can barely keep up with what I have now! I also don’t know how I feel about paid subscriptions as I already have ads on my site… so would rather direct people here and hope to earn a bit of money that way. But who knows what the future holds!
By the way, if I would have had a girl, Astrid was one of my top names, I’ve always thought it is such a beautiful name 🙂
Long-time reader here, and always happy to read a new post from you, even if it’s a year between them and regardless what you write about! 🙂
You mentioned not wanting to go for Patreon or Substack. I don’t know if it’s the the format of paid content or the companies themselves, but if it’s the latter, I have third option. I use Ghost as my blog platform, and I genuinely love it. It’s a very minimal user experience where it’s easy to just focus on the writing, integrated newsletter and option to do paid content (and for your followers to give tip if they want to). The ethos behind the company really resonates with me too, open source and non-profit (a lot of newsletters have moved from Substack to Ghost for the values part). Would definitely sign up if you started a paid newsletter!
Thank you so much for your comment, Sanna. I am so grateful for all of your support! It’s people like you that make me want to keep writing 🙂
And thanks for the tip about Ghost! I will check it out. I guess I feel worried about joining another platform as I already struggle to maintain what I have now. But it might be an option for me in the future, so thank you!
Hi Brenna, I’ve always loved reading your blog posts and will continue to do so. I discovered your bog when I was in a place I didn’t want to be in. I wanted to see the world but I couldn’t. Your adventures became mine in a way. But more than your travels, what I like the most is reading your long entries on about anything. You have a way with words. Don’t think you’ve fucked up. Life happens. Trust that as you grow, your readers are also growing with you. We’re here to stay. Lots of love.
Oh wow, thank you so much for this comment, Pam. I can’t tell you what these words mean to me! I am so grateful for your encouragement and that you’ve continued to read the blog, even if it’s changed quite a bit. I am so lucky to have this kind of support 🙂
Hi Brenna! I’ve been reading your blog for… ten years now (which feels wild, because I’m 24, so I’ve basically grown up reading your posts) – and I’m not going to stop any time soon. Looking forward to reading whatever you write, whenever you write it, and glad things are looking up for you. 🙂
Brenna, it’s always exciting to come back to your blog and see a new post! Been here for a long time (around 11 years or so) and I’ve just turned 23 a few months ago, which means that I’m just starting to plan my first bigger travel adventures around the world. I’ve recently realised how inspiring it was for a 13 year old teenage girl to binge read your travel stories and your thoughts at 4 a.m., hoping that when I got older, I would too experience the world like you did, as a strong independent woman. Nowadays, I follow quite a lot of travel content creators on Instagram, looking for inspiration and advice, but it’s this blog right here that fueled my love for travel for so many years and your heartfelt creative diary-like posts that got me through my own heartbreak. I’m interested in reading anything you have to say honestly, especially during this new phase of your life!
Hi Maria, I can’t tell you what this comment means to me. I teared up reading it yesterday and I’m tearing up reading it again today. It just blows my mind that what I’ve written meant something to you, and that it helped inspire you to travel. I am so grateful for your support over the years, and I feel so honoured that you’ve read it while looking for your own inspiration when it comes to travel, love, etc! This makes me want to keep writing forever, seriously. Thank you so much for sharing this with me, you’re the absolute best 🙂
Aw, thank you so much, Julianne. I really love that you told me that, I feel so honoured that you’ve been reading for that long, even as a teenager! That is amazing. I’m so grateful for all of your support 🙂
Love hearing from you, no matter what (or if) you want to write. Thanks for all that you do!
Aw, thank you so much, Sarah. I’m so grateful for all of your support over the years!
So lovely to read your posts again. You were one of the first bloggers I ever really followed way back when. I miss the days of 00-10’s blogging when blogs and social media were in chronological order and it came from the heart rather than strictly for the algorithm or the sponsorship opportunities. Sometimes I regret having turned my blog into my business because after all these years and all of these changes it feels hard to love it as much as I used to, but I’m also grateful for the ability to have been able to call it my job. It’s a difficult balance, but I hope you’ll come back and lead the way into a new era of blogging. If 90s fashion can come back, why not 00’s blogging?! 😂
Thank you so much for your comment, Laura! Man, we’ve been through it with blogging, eh? Ha ha. I am so grateful to have all of your support over the years, it honestly means so much to me. And yes, I have always kind of skirted the line of making this my full-time business and keeping it as a passion project; I totally understand you when you say you don’t love it as much as you used to, because I have always felt that way when dealing with the business side of things (I dread sponsored content, but know that I need it). And I am so here for a resurgence of blogging, I mean all my high school fashion is back in style, so why not?? Thanks again for your amazing comment as always 🙂
Hi, I followed back when I also had a blog (around 2014) and though I gave up blogging I continued to follow along and occasionally re-read your old blogs, because I enjoyed your writing, and your personality, so much.
I also appreciate how life gets in the way, and the feeling of mulling over what to write. I think it gets harder as we get older too, the weight of the stories we tell gets a little heavier and maybe we’re more mindful about the implications of what choose to share.
Anyway, I’m glad you’re back even if it might not be a regular posting schedule and I hope you enjoy writing here again
Thank you so much for your comment, Kylie, and for continuing to read all these years! Your support means so much to me. And I totally agree with you about the weight of our stories, I definitely feel more private now that my son is here. That being said, I really hope to keep writing on the blog when I can. Thanks again for all of your encouragement, it means the world 🙂
I have silently followed your blog for *years* and thought about commenting a hundred times because I always felt like I could relate so hard to so much of your content, even though I’m not a blogger. Never did because I felt self-conscious about it. But as I sit here, also 40, also looking back and wondering similar thoughts, I just figured it was time to tell you thank you for everything you’ve shared over the years. I read it all, the longer the better! And I will be happy to keep reading going forward!
Oh wow, thank you so much, Robin. I can’t tell you how much this comment means to me! I am so grateful for all of your support and for reading for all these years. And thank you so much for leaving the comment, that’s awesome! I am also often a “silent” reader but comments really are the best, so thank you for making me smile 🙂
I’m another silent follower, I’ve been reading your blog since I was 16 and now I’m about to turn 30, I don’t read blogs often but I don’t think I’ve missed a single one of yours and occasionally go back and re read old ones. You have a way of writing that draws people in no matter what the topic may be. Thank you for inspiring so many of my own adventures I’m looking forward to reading whatever you chose to write during this new chapter of your life.
Oh wow, thank you so much, Kaitlyn. This comment is amazing! I am so grateful for your support over the years, that is so incredible that you go back and reread posts sometimes. I honestly can’t tell you how happy and thankful that makes me. You’re the best 🙂
I will read anything that you write! I think it’s less about the content and more about your highly readable and entertaining writing style. Please write as often as you feel like it! You are the best blogger and I love reading your posts.
Aw, thank you so much, Lizzie! That is such an amazing comment. It makes me want to write a ton of blog posts, ha ha… so thank you! I am so grateful for your support.
Welcome back!!! I’ve always loved your posts. Write whatever you want as you return to your first love. We all have phases in life when we’re more or less creative. It’s a new phase for you.
You’re totally right, this does feel like a new phase 🙂 Thank you so much for all of your support as always, Elizabeth!
The best advice I can pass on is to be yourself, share what you are passionate about and connect with your followers. We will be interested in reading it all. Keep it coming!
Aw, thank you so much, Laura. That is indeed great advice!
I love reading what you write!
Thank you for everything, truly
Aw, thank you so much, Kerre. I am so grateful for all of your support!
The thing is, a big part of your audience probably also grew up – a lot of your readers probably went from traveling fulltime to trying to figure out some sort of balance between freedom and stability, settling somewhere (maybe even close to home) at least most of the time, and figuring out how to have a full-filling career, whether to have a family, and how to navigate life in our 30s and 40s.
As a former full-time traveler who used to love reading your travelogues and dating stories, I’d love to read your take on motherhood, a freelance career, traveling with a child, traveling in your home region, what you do with your newfound time alone, what it’ll be like if you start dating again, how you balance work, working out, writing and being a parent, your book projects and writerly aspirations (and how they might have changed after you became a mother), etc. I’d like to see someone adventurous write about everyday life, and I can imagine that a lot of other people would, too. As long as it’s honest, cause no one needs another mum blogger to make the rest of us feel like failures.
Full disclosure: I just copied your comment into my list of “things to write” note!! Wow, thank you so much, Michelle, for this inspiring and amazing comment. You’re so right. Those of us who grew up blogging have, well, grown up, and there are so many new topics to explore. I can’t tell you what this comment means to me and how much it inspires me to keep writing, so thank you from the bottom of my heart. And I laughed at your last line, because SERIOUSLY… it’s why I barely follow any parenthood-focused blogs or social media, hah.
Hello friend. ♥️
Thank you for being here 🙂
I have followed you for a long time …. Years fade into one another. I am a retired educator who has travelled a lot – which brought me to your blog. I love reading about travelling and then relating to my own experiences!!
Like many others here, I agree your life has taken a turn, a fork in the road, with new treasures along the way. But you can still offer your words and thoughts for us readers!! We love them. So ‘write on’ my trusty battered suitcase!! 🧳 🖋️
Aw, thank you so much, Laurie! You’re so right, there are lots of different topics I can try to tackle. I am so grateful for all of your support over the years, it means so much to me 🙂
Why not write a book if long form writing is what you are passionate about? I love your writing. I think the crisis you are talking about is a common one for women as they become mothers and/or approach middle age. I have been reflecting on this a lot as someone in roughly the same age category. It feels like my entire identity, even down to the way I dress, has had a major shift that I was unprepared for. Once I accepted that and embraced it, discovering who I am in this new phase of life has been fun and fulfilling, if not even a little freeing (less consciousness of society’s gaze). Side note: I don’t love the term mommy blogger. Motherhood is so complex and multifaceted that I think it is possible to write about it without getting drawn into discussion of birthday party decor or whatever the mommy blogger stereotype is. I think it is hard to talk about ones life without it.
Thank you so much for all of this amazing insight, Andrea! You’re right, so much changes as we grow older and as we grow into new roles, motherhood potentially being one of them. I know that there is so much I could unpack with all of it but I almost have no idea where to begin, hah. But I do love the idea of exploring the changes that have happened and that acceptance, because it’s huge!
I know what you mean about the term mommy blogger, there are so many parts of motherhood to explore beyond the superficial and I hope to write about some of them. I guess what I meant is that I don’t want motherhood to be the sole focus of what I write about!
Thanks again for your comment, it means so much to me to have your support. 🙂
Another long-term reader here. I’ve always loved your posts, long and short, personal musings and informative pieces – all of it!
I’d be happy to read anything by you again, be it your interior design ideas, books you love, not-yet-told stories from the road, philosophies on life – anything.
Take care!
Thank you so much, Alina 🙂 You’ve given me lots of great ideas here! Thank you for all of your support, it means so much to me.
It made my day to see a new post! I love your writing and would be happy to read about whatever topics are relevant to your life right now—travel drew me in but what has kept me around is your unique, engaging voice.
Aw, thank you so much, Stacy. That is such an amazing comment to receive, it definitely gives me confidence to keep writing 🙂
Write on, Brenna! As one of your biggest fans, I love anything you have to say. Your ability to touch hearts with your honesty and raw emotion has always captured my attention and made me think about things – whether travel, motherhood, or simply exploring life – in new ways. And it’s clear others feel the same. Thank you for that, and don’t stop writing. Write one sentence, or one hundred. About anything. We’ll be reading…
Thank you so much, mama. I couldn’t do it without all of your support!
Omg, as always brenna, i feel u so much! I turned 40 last week, feel like i screwed up 2 careers and have to start from scratch again… and i miss the Instagram before 2017.
But i will always love your writing! Of course the themes change, as we do <3 looking forward to everything you‘re going to publish 🙂
We didn’t know how good we had it, ha ha! Social media used to be so fun and I definitely don’t enjoy it as much anymore. Thank you so much for your comment, Stephanie, and here’s to a great new decade for us both 🙂
Don’t. Ever. Stop. Fucking. Writing. Also, no pressure 🙂 I adore your style of writing, about any topic at all. You have a gift; a way of writing that is authentic, vulnerable and relatable and makes me want to always keep reading.
Thank you so much, Tova 🙂 This is the most amazing comment to receive!! I definitely feel very inspired to write a lot more, so thank you for helping me feel that way 🙂
I echo all of the other comments. I love your writing and you will always have a reader in me! Thanks for the update Brenna 🙂
Aw, thank you so much, Alex. I really appreciate all of your support! I am so lucky to have you as a reader 🙂
I miss your writing and have been hoping you’d start back up once you got time to breathe again. When someone’s an engaging writer, it doesn’t really matter what they write, it’ll always be worth reading. So I’ll still be following along no matter what direction you decide to go in.
Aw, thank you so much, Anne. That is such a lovely comment to receive! I am so grateful for your support and that you continue to check in and read the blog. It definitely gives me a lot more confidence to just write and not worry so much about if I’m writing the “right” thing. Thank you!!
Hi Brenna, I’ve been following you for years and think if it feels right to come back and blog, your heart will lead the way. There are still a lot of us out here who enjoy reading long-form content. 😉 You haven’t messed everything up and I appreciate your vulnerability.
Aw, thank you so much, Diane. I definitely miss it A LOT, so I would really like to write here a lot more. All of the writing I’ve done over the past four years is very impersonal – more “things to do” kind of stuff for other websites – and I would love to finally put my heart into this again. Thank you so much for all of your support and your encouraging words, it all means so much to me 🙂 And I still love long-form content, too!
I came here just to check, as I regularly do, drawn by a sense of familiarity and diffuse joy, like checking up on a old friend after years and years of reading your words, first as a 17 year-old dreaming of seeing the world and now, more than a decade older, as a woman who keeps learning from you. I was one of those readers who received a postcard, giddy from thinking it came from so far away, imagine that! So what a success, really: look at the comments and all the lives you touched, words that stay with us in a myriad of ways. Failing? Who? For some time your priorities shifted, your energy drawn to other parts of your life. That’s okay, that’s beautiful. Many of us will keep cherishing your words, whether you regularly post or not. Thank you Brenna!
Oh my goodness, what an incredible comment. Thank you SO much, Melissa! I am so happy that you remember the postcard, I had so much fun doing that (and may try it again sometime). It is wild (and amazing) to me that people check in even though I don’t/can’t consistently write here; I am so grateful for that kind of support and I tear up just thinking about it. Thank you for all of your encouragement and your beautiful words here, it means so much to me.
Yes, please. Let’s try this again!
Thank you so much, Anwesha 🙂
Hello Brenna,
Here is another one of your readers to encourage you to keep writing this blog!
I turned also 40 this year, am married, have no kids, live in a different continent…
I found your blog maybe about 8-9 years ago when researching for my 1st trip to India with my gf and have always enjoyed reading your posts, keep them coming 🙂
All the best, no pressure, whatever you want to write about will be fine!!
Aw, thank you so much, Simona. That is so cool that you remember how you first started reading This Battered Suitcase! I am so glad that you’re still here 🙂 I am so grateful for all of your support and encouragement, it means so much to me. And Happy 40th to you, too!!
I’m so happy you’re back! I check this space regularly. I started following you soooo long ago when I was an au pair in Strasbourg. Now, I’m back in the states, and I’m also a new mom. You know, even though I originally started following you because of your travels, I’ve also grown up with you. I’m still interested in your content and love your warm writing style 🙂
Aw, that is so amazing! Thank you for sharing this with me, I love hearing how people first discovered the blog and how their lives have changed. Because you’re absolutely right, we’ve ALL changed, and I am so grateful that people are still interested in reading even though life looks so different for me right now. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your support and your comment 🙂
Also still here!
If you decide to go the substack/patreon/ghost route just let us know. Or you could add something here like a “tip jar” (like Ko-fi? I don’t know much about it but seems like a really cool idea).
For what it’s worth, I’ve been seeing terms like “indie web” “small web” and “web revival” floating around. Even writers for major mainstream sites are writing op-eds encouraging people to start blogging again or build their own basic websites. Ye Olde Blogroll and other webrings are still going strong, geocities has morphed into neocities. Seems like a lot of people are feeling nostalgic for the “old internet” these days. I know I am!
I’ve been reading your blog for years and I’m so happy you decided to post. No pressure at all on what to write about; like so many have already said – I’ve always loved your writing style and will read whatever it is you’d like to talk about.
Thanks as always for sharing 🙂
Aw, thank you so much, Alex. I am so blown away by this kind of support… I am SO grateful for all of your encouragement and your kind words, they mean so much to me 🙂 And thank you for the tips! I haven’t completely ruled out a Substack or Patreon but I think I should see how often I can post here first, ha ha. I love that op-eds and long-form content are slowly making a comeback, because that was always my favourite part of the Internet. It would be so cool to see a web revival; thank you for letting me know that people are indeed talking about it! Thanks again for all of your amazing words here, I really appreciate it and all of your support over the years 🙂
I ~JUST~ found you, and love you already.
“So maybe that’s where I start again: at the beginning. ” It’s a very good place to start. Just write. You’ve a gift.
will be following.
Johnnie TAte
Aw, thank you so much, Johnnie. I so appreciate that you read this article and I am so grateful for all of your support!
Hi Brenna, I am SO late to the game here. But I have to pop in to say, give yourself a break, girl! Something I’m begining to realize? You can’t fuck anything up. It just is. You did what you had to do during the last several years, and even if you could rewind it, I’m guessing you’d do it the same. You are one human just going through the ebbs and flows. But my unsolicited (and certainly non-expert) advice that I wish I would follow myself? It’s time for a book. Fiction, memoir, a collection of essays… whatever it is, I know it’s in you. And I would be first in line to read it.
Aw, thank you so much, Katie. I am continually grateful for all of your support over the years, and I always look forward to your comments. I feel like you’re a dear friend even though we’ve never met! Thank you – as always – for your insight here, and for your encouragement; you’re right, I did what I had to do. I would love to write a book one day, and I feel that it will happen eventually… whether it’s reworking the book I wrote years ago or starting something totally different! I would love to read a book by you, too 🙂 Should we start a writing support group?? Thank you again, with all my heart xo
👋 Definitely still here, and so happy to see you writing again! Seeing your posts pop up is always a highlight of my feed. We lost touch a while ago, but just wanted to jump on to say that I continue to relate so much with what you write, and I hope you keep writing!
I’m a long time reader too! Since back from, I dunno, 2010? Anyway, I am also early 40s, love to travel but have only left the country once since 2021 (see next point), also have 3 year old kids (twins! Eeek!). I miss the old style blogs from the internet of ye olden days and I would love you to just write about you. Like you always have. So I guess that would be…navigating life as a woman in the western world in your 40s? All I ask is that you write from your heart and not for the algorithm. Sending love and thanks for all the joy your writing has brought me.